Planning Applications

Planning Applications

Potential Development Sites

Potential development sites were identified by Wealden in the Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA).  These sites began to be identified in 2015 and were assessed for their suitability.  This was published in January 2019 as part of the Local Plan process.  Wealden then withrdrew the Local Plan and have begun a new Local Plan process with a new call for landowners to submit sites for potential development.  This map shows the position as at October 2021.  All previous sites and the newly submitted ones will now be subject to a new SHELAA process and a revised suitability assessment will be published in due course.

Land put forward for assessment will not necessarily be developed but it will be considered.  Also, until Wealden get a new Local Plan in place and without a 5 Year Land Supply target being acheived, our Parish will remain vulnerable to speculative planning applications such as the recently approved Hesmonds development.  This included land that was not submitted as part of any SHELAA assessment which indicates that even the SHELAA submissions do not limit the scope of development when a 5 Year Land Supply cannot be demonstrated.

Developer Parker Dann have put forward proposals for 2,000 homes that they are calling "Hesmonds Village" on the remainder of the Hesmonds Stud land.  Wealden have asked them to contact other landowners to add land to this and make the size of what would effectively be a New Town even larger.  This map shows land added to the SHELAA process since our update in October 2020.  The Green shows land submitted in 2019, Yellow is land submitted in 2020, Purple and Turquise was added in 2021 and other landowners are still being approached.

A new proposal for a New Town called Oakleigh Garden Community (4,000 homes) was revealed in May 2024

Information on potential New Town proposals is shown at the New Town Proposals page.

Hesmonds Stud

Status : Approved at PCS 16 July 2020 - The Decision Notice was finally published on 11 Jun 2021.  VC are pursuing a legal challenge against the decision.  Village Concerns was granted permission for a full Judicial Review Hearing on both the  Grounds of our case.  The Hearing at the High Court took place on 24 May 2022.  The Judge found against us on 29 July 2022 so the Outline Consent will not be quashed.  If you wish to seed the full details see Village Concerns Update 141.  The Planning Department have now scheduled the Redrow Full Applicaiton for determination by Planning Committee South at 12.30 on Thursday 11 Aug 2022.

205 Homes

This application was first submitted in 2016.  It began as a Hybrid application to build 205 homes on London Road and also to build an equestrian centre and managers house on Ailies Lane.  The Ailies Lane element was withdrawn although it remained unclear if this element would be submitted separately.  The site was outside the Proposed East Hoathly Development Boundary and did not comply with the saved Wealden Plans nor the emerging Wealden Local Plan (now withdrawn).

Link to NEW Application for Full Planning Permission by Redrow Homes - Application Number: WD/2022/0341/MAJ.

Link to Application Details at Wealden - Application Number: WD/2016/2796/MAO.

Village Concerns Objections - 2016 Outline Application

Link to VC Objection  - Jan 2017.

Link to VC Objection  - Feb 2017.

Link to VC Objection  - Jan 2018.

Link to VC Objection  - Feb 2019.

Link to VC Objection  - Jun 2019.

Link to VC Objection - Jan 2020.

Link to VC Objection - Mar 2020.

Link to VC Response to Officers Report.

Link to VC Transport Study.

Link to Heritage Consultant's Submission.

Lint to Heritage Assets Submission.

Links to Planning Committee - Transcript.

                                                      - Video.

Village Concerns Objections - 2022 Full Application

Link to VC Objection to Environmental Impact Assessment Scoping Report - Jan 2022.

Link to VC Objection 1 - Request for resubmission of Application - Mar 2022.

Link to VC Objection 2 - Incomplete Application Documents - Mar 2022.

Link to VC Objection 3 - Heritage AssetsApr 2022.

Link to VC Objection 4 - Sustainability - May 2022.

Link to VC Objection 5 - Design and Layout - May 2022.

Link to VC Objection 6 - Housing Mix - Jul 2022.

Link to VC Objection 7 - Extant Planning Condition - Jul 2022.

Link to VC Objection 8 - Request for New Consultation Period - Jul 2022.

Link to VC Objection 9 - Biodiversity - Jul 2022.

Link to VC Objection 10 - Officer's Report Rebuttal - Aug 2022.

Link to VC Objection 11 - Construction - Aug 2022.

Link to VC Objection 12 - Proper Consideration - Aug 2022.

Link to VC Objection 13 - PCS Public Representations - Aug 2022.

Link to VC Objection 14 - Water Supply - Aug 2022.

Link to VC Objection 15 - Response to New Documents - Sep 2022.

Link to VC Objection 16 - Plea to All Councillors - Sep 2022.

Link to VC Objection 17 - Officer's Report Rebuttal 2 - Oct 2022.

Link to VC Objection 18 - Sewage Issues Addendum - Oct 2022.

Village Concerns Objections - 2020 Discharge of Section 106 Application

Link to Application Details at Wealden - Application Number: WD/2020/2660/PO.  This Application seeks to discharge the Planning Obligations imposed by PCS in 2011 on the whole of Hesmonds Stud to prevent the breaking up of the Stud Business and the separation of the land from the buildings.

Link to VC Objection Initial Responce - Feb 2022.

Link to VC Objection Legal Submission - Feb 2022.

Link to VC Objection Plea to PCS Councillors - Feb 2022.

Link to VC Objection Ownership Legal Submission - Feb 2022.

Link to VC Objection to Proposal for Written Submission to Discharge Obligation - Sep 2022.

South Street

Status: 2018 First Application  - Appeal for Non Determination Dismissed.

              2019 Second Application -  Rejected at PCS 27 May 2020 - Reserved Matters  - deadline 15 June 2024.

              2020 Third Application - Rejected at PCS 25 February 2021.

First Application - 74 Homes.  

Second Application - 74 Homes, later amended to 55.

Third Application - 50 Homes.

The First Application was first submitted in 2018.  The initial intention of the developer was to build 140 homes on South Street.  The application reduced this to 74 homes.  The site was outside the Proposed East Hoathly Development Boundary and did not comply with the saved Wealden Plans nor the emerging Wealden Local Plan (now withdrawn).  This First Application went to Appeal on the grounds of Non Determination and the Appeal was dismissed with Wealden stating at the Appeal that they would have rejected the Application.

The Second Application in 2019 was initially for 74 homes but then had several new documents submitted which reduced the number of proposed homes to 55.  This was rejected at PCS on 27 May 2020.  The developer has appealled against this decision and that Appeal was successful. A full application for Reserved Matters has been received and you must object by 15 June 2024.

The Third Application in 2020 has been submitted before the outcome of the Appeal for the Second Application.  This is for 50 homes.  Please note that none of the objections to previous applications is carried forward.  You have to comment again.

First Application

Link to First Application Details at Wealden - Application Number: WD/2018/1508/MAO.

Link to First Application Appeal - Reference: APP/C1435/W/3223599.

Link to Village Concerns Objection to Application WD/2018/1508/MAO.

Link to Wealden District Council Appeal Statement for Application WD/2018/1508/MAO.

Link to Appeal Decision: APP/C1435/W/3223599.

Second Application

Link to Second Application Details at Wealden - Application Number: WD/2019/1674/MAO.

Link to Second Application Appeal - Reference: APP/C1435/W/20/3257830.

Link to Village Concerns Objection to Application WD/2019/1674/MAO.

Link to Village Concerns Submission to Appeal APP/C1435/W/20/3257830.

Link to Reserved Matters Application at Wealden - Application Number: WD/2023/0633/MRM.

Link to Village Concerns Reserved Matters Bullet Points.

Third Application

Link to Third Application Details at Wealden - Application Number: WD/2020/1848/MAO.

Link to Planning Committee - Video.

This Photograph of the site was taken just by the very fragrant Sewage Works


Status: Rejected by Delegated Decision - January 2021

- Appeal Lodged October 2021 - Appeal Dismissed March 2022.

30 Homes

This application was submitted in 2016.  It proposes the demolition of a house on Lewes Road to provide access to build 4 x One bed flats, 4 x Two bed houses, 11 x Three bed houses and 11 x Four bed houses.  The site is adjacent to the Proposed Halland Core Area but fails to comply with the emerging Wealden Local Plan in relation to the the size of the development and the size of the houses proposed (Must be 1/2 bed homes and no more than 5 per development)  Also Halland does not currently have a housing Allocation nor a Windfall Allowance in the emerging Wealden Local Plan.

Link to Application Details at Wealden - Application Number: WD/2016/2343/MAO

Link to Application Appeal - Reference


Link to Village Concerns Objection to this Application.

Link to Village Concerns Submission to Appeal.

Link to Appeal Decision.


Hop Garden

Status: Appealled for Non Determination - Appeal Dismissed

21 Homes

This application was first submitted in 2017.  The proposal is to build 4 x One bed flats, 3 x Two bed houses, 8 x Three bed houses and 6 x Four bed houses.  The site is outside and not adjacent to the Proposed Halland Core Area and therefore does not comply with the emerging Wealden Local Plan (currently under examination by the Planning Inspectorate).  It also fails to comply with the emerging Wealden Local Plan in relation to the the size of the development and the size of the houses proposed (Must be 1/2 bed homes and no more than 5 per development)  Also Halland does not currently have a housing Allocation nor a Windfall Allowance in the emerging Wealden Local Plan.

Link to Application Details at Wealden - Application Number: WD/2017/0331/MAJ.

Link to Appeal Decision APP/C1435/W19/3226973.

Halland Forge

Status: Planning Application - Refused

              Appeal Submitted - Rejected

21 Homes

This application was submitted in 2018.  It proposed to use an approved planning consent for a hotel extension to build 21 flats in the grounds of the Halland Forge.  It proposed 13 x One bed flats, 7 x Two bed flats and 1 x Three bed flat.  The site is adjacent to the Proposed Halland Core Area but fails to comply with the emerging Wealden Local Plan in relation to the the size of the development and the size of the houses proposed (Must be 1/2 bed homes and no more than 5 per development)  Also Halland does not currently have a housing Allocation nor a Windfall Allowance in the emerging Wealden Local Plan.  This proposal also posed significant access issues and segragation issues with the Hotel.  The application was refused by Wealden.

Link to Application Details at Wealden - Application Number: WD/2018/0320/MAJ 

Link to Village Concerns Objection to this Application.

Link to Appeal - Reference: APP/C1435/W/19/3229579

Link to Village Concerns Appeal Statement.

Link to Appeal Decision

Old Hartfield

Status: Second Application Approved - Dec 2019 - Building commenced mid 2021.

First Application  - 4 Homes

Second Application  - 6 Homes

This application was submitted in 2018 replacing an earlier one in 2017 for 4 x Five bed houses.  The new application proposes 6 x Two bed semi-detached houses.  The site is within the Proposed Halland Core Area.  The 2017 Application does not conform with the emerging Wealden Local Plan as the proposed houses are too large.  The 2018 Application conforms with the restriction of the emerging Wealden Local Plan for homes within the Core Area of 1/2 beds.

Link to Application Details at Wealden - Application Number:


Link to Application Details at Wealden - Application Number: WD/2018/2627/F

Buttsfield Lane

Status: First Application - Appealled for Non Determination - Appeal Dismissed

 New Application - Approved March 2020 - Application Withdrawn




New Application - Submitted February 2022

2 Homes

This application was first submitted in 2016.  This site has no acceptable vehicle access for construction nor for residents.  The site was outside the East Hoathly Development Boundary and did not comply with the saved Wealden Plans nor the emerging Wealden Local Plan (now withdrawn).  The applicant submitted an appeal on the grounds of Non Determination and this appeal was dismissed.  A new, virtually identical application was submitted in 2020.

Link to First Application Details at Wealden - Application Number: WD/2016/2268/F.

Link to Second Application Details at Wealden - Application Number: WD/2020/1472/F.

Link to New Application Details at Wealden - Application Number: WD/2022/0203/F.

Link to Appeal - Reference: APP/C1435/W/18/3216971.

Link to Appeal Decision: APP/C1435/W/18/3216971.

Circle of Oaks

Status: Live Application - Awaiting PCS date.

A new application to develop 20 homes on the Circle of Oaks site has been submitted.  It may not seem to be important but the developer is Parker Dann and they have declared their intention to build a road through the site to gain access to the fields beyond and build many hundreds of new houses around Tourles Farm.  We therefore urge you to object to this application.

Link to Live Application Details at Wealden -Application Number: WD/2023/2516/MAJ

Link to Village Concerns Objection to the 2023 Application.

Link to Village Concerns Supporter Guidance for 2023 Application.

Link to Village Concerns Bullet Points for 2023 Application.

Link to Village Concerns Objection to the 2023 Application Amendments.

Link to 2018 Application Details at Wealden - Application Number: WD/2018/2741/MAO

Link to Village Concerns Objection to the 2018 Application

Link to 2018 Appeal - Reference APP/C1435/W/21/3272380

Link to Village Concerns 2018 Appeal Submission


Status: Live

Erection of new Sub Stations, one to be operated by National Grid and one by UK Power Networks with associated fencing and administrative buildings.

Link to Application Details at Wealden - Application Number: WD/2021/0733/MAJ